Our Pool is Leaking!

We need your support!

In addition to donating directly, we have several fundraisers planned in the our community rental hall. The next one is:


    100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0%     $150,000
Last deposit: 6/21/24




Are you able to contribute more?  Consider being a friend of the pool and sponsoring a brick with up to 4 lines of the text of your choice!  We will make a prominent display at the front entrance to the pool!

Ready to donate?  Want to participate?  Volunteer?  Help fund raise?  Call or Email Kristi at 360-990-1649 or k.long.2m@gmail.com..

Help us spread the word by downloading, printing
and posting posters around the community.

Post with permission of course!

Parkwood_Car_Wash_July_2024.pdf (131 KB)