Welcome to the Parkwood Community Club
On January 14, 2025, the pool remains closed but was refilled so the new plaster could finish curing and chemicals balance for several weeks. Watch your inbox and our Facebook page for the pool reopening date. See Pool Closure for updates emailed to members.
Pool Attendants: If you plan to bring children 16 and under and have not yet attended a basic water rescue class and have a valid CPR/first aid certificate, you will not be able to bring children to swim unless there is a another volunteer attendant on duty.
The hall remains open for rentals.
This is a community hall for the whole family and is available for rent to the public. There are no age limits. The entire family can enjoy parties, potlucks, entertainment, church gatherings, public meetings, youth activities, cultural exchange school settings, scout activities, plays, dances, dinners, luncheons, and many more.
This is a smoke free 2300 square foot facility with fully equipped kitchen and bar service areas. The hall accommodates 275 people. Floorplan and photos are available here.
For more information, click here or email HallRental@pccportorchard.org.
Next Fundraiser: Rummage Sale Spring 2025 March 20th, 21st, and 22nd Parkwood Community Club's second annual rummage sale is set for March 20th, 21st, and 22nd. We are now accepting donations. If you have items you are able to donate, please contact me directly through email (k.long.2m@gmail.com) or text (360-990-1649) to set up a donation drop off. If you need items picked up, we are happy to come to you. All items must be in clean and good working condition. Please feel free to share with your friends and family. This is an amazing fundraising opportunity for the club. We would love to raise enough funds to be able to resurface the parking lot which is greatly needed. Another area of interest is eventually upgrading the dressing rooms to make them fully accessible for everyone.